Alex Harvey's personal blog
The climate impact of Australian nuclear power
Rethinking home ownership: The impact of Rentvesting
Migrating S3 Bucket ACLs
Experiments in the Terraform Test framework, Part I: Plans
Proof of concept of behave framework compared to shunit2
How to write an AWS CLI script, Part I: Patterns
Adding hosted secrets rotation Lambda to an RDS stack
Using shUnit2 for end-to-end testing of Terraform and AWS
Data consistency testing in Puppet, Part III: Direct data assertions
Unit testing a CloudFormation UserData script with shunit2
Why ERB should be preferred to Jinja2 for DevOps templating
Comment on AEMO/CSIRO GenCost 2019-20
Unit testing a Terraform user_data script with shUnit2
A method of unit testing Jinja2 templates
A method for migrating Serverless Framework to SAM
GNU make for DevOps engineers
A proof of concept for managing SAM templates using Sceptre
Introduction to SAM Part IV: Updates to sam package and deploy in SAM CLI >= 0.33.1
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part X: Templates
When 3 Musketeers are two too many
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part IX: Data sources
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part VIII: The Puppet provisioner
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part VII: Resource for_each in Terraform 0.12.6
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part VI: Towards a unit testing framework
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part V: Conditional logic
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part IV: All about splats
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part III: Iteration enhancements in Terraform 0.12
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part II: Iteration in Terraform 0.11 and earlier
Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part I: Structured data
A sed tutorial and reference
Data consistency testing in Puppet, Part II: Testing file content
Introduction to SAM Part III: Adding a proxy+ endpoint and CORS configuration
Introduction to SAM Part II: Template and architecture
Introduction to SAM Part I: Using the SAM CLI
Unit testing a Python Boto3 Lambda function using Placebo
Hierarchical data lookups using the Bash shell
Configuring the Test Kitchen EC2 driver
Configuration management with Troposphere and Jerakia
Generating Markdown from source code using ERB
The pros and cons of Puppet PDK
Data consistency testing in Puppet, Part I: Data types
The four SQL joins using Linux join and sort
Using Placebo for Bash to auto-generate mocks in unit tests
Testing AWS CLI scripts in shUnit2
Analysing Puppet module dependencies using JQ
Pretty-printing Puppet data
Auto-generating Markdown tables of contents
Creating a ZIP file for an AWS Lambda Python function
Applying an edited Git patch in Vim
JQ commands for Puppet catalogs
Merge a Git repository and its history into a subdirectory of a second Git repository
Unit Testing a Bash Script with shUnit2
Using create_specs to refactor Puppet
Introducing programmatic editing of Hiera YAML files
Verifying file contents in a puppet catalog
Mocking with rspec-puppet-utils
Integration testing using Ansible and Test Kitchen
Testing an Ansible role using Test Kitchen
Setting up Puppet module testing from scratch: Part III, Travis CI
Setting up Puppet module testing from scratch: Part II, Beaker for module testing
Setting up Puppet module testing from scratch: Part I, Puppet-syntax, Puppet-lint and Rspec-puppet
Speeding up Beaker on a Mac using SquidMan
Rspec testing a simple Ruby script
Dumping the catalog in rspec-puppet
Parallelising rspec-puppet
Using catalog-diff while refactoring Puppet code
Compiling a puppet catalog – on a laptop